Contents of KS2 English SATs Test

The KS2 Sats English test was issued in a new format for the first time in 2016. This new format of testing is based on the revised primary school curriculum issued in 2014.

Children will sit two papers and the contents of the KS2 English SATs test is as follows:

Papers 1 and 2 combined are what are commonly referred to as the SPAG test, paper 3 is the comprehension exercise (called a reading test).

Paper 1 – Grammar, Punctuation and language strategies- Total marks – 50

Grammar will account for about 30 marks, Punctuation will account for about 15 marks and Language Strategies (Vocabulary) will account for about 5 marks.

This paper has an allocated time of 45 minutes

Paper 2 – Spelling- Total marks – 20

Questions will be sentence based. Pupils will see a sentence with a word missing. They will be read the whole sentence and then the missing word will be repeated. Their task is to fill in the missing word correctly.

This paper normally takes as long as a teacher needs to read the sentences out and emphasise the words to spell. Mostly it will be completed inside 20 minutes.

Paper 3 Reading and Comprehension – Total marks 50

In this paper children will have a reading booklet consisting of a series of passages totalling about 2000 words. These passages will include a piece of fiction, a piece of poetry and a piece of non-fiction.

There will be a mix of questions including comprehension questions and questions regarding author literary technique and style.

Free KS2 English SATs Papers

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