SPaG Test KS1 and KS2
There is an increased focus on Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation (SPaG) in the new format SATs Papers which were sat by children for the first time in 2016.
Of course schools have always included Spelling, grammar and Punctuation in the syllabus but the focus on these areas within SATS is much sharper now, requiring much greater knowledge.
KS1 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) SATs Papers
In Key Stage 1 at the end of year two children will be tested on their literacy skills as part of the process.
The KS1 SPaG SATs test consists of 2 papers:
SPAG Paper 1 is a Spelling test with 20 words. Children are given a sentence on the paper with a gap. They are then read the complete sentence with the missing word and then the missing word is re-stated. They have to fill in the gap by spelling the word correctly.
In 2016 words included – pack, eyes, money and ladder
To see the SPaG spelling paper children actually sat in 2016 click through
SPAG Paper 2 is a grammar and punctuation test of about 20 questions.
Children are tested on a variety of areas and as an example questions could include use of standard English, use of suffixes, identification of parts of speech, tenses, basic punctuation including commas and full stops, use of apostrophes.
To see the SPAG grammar and punctuation paper from 2016 click through
If you want to see all the KS1 Year 2 SATS papers in their current format then click through below:
KS1 Year two Sats papers including SPAG papers and instructions
KS2 Spelling , Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) SATS Papers
In year 6 the SPAG test consists of two papers which cover the KS2 syllabus as part of KS2 SATS.
SPAG Paper 1 is a 45 minute test focussing on Grammar and Punctuation. Pupils can expect questions on the full range of the KS2 Syllabus including: suffixes, conjunctions, parts of a sentence, parts of speech, the full range of punctuation types, tenses and use of Standard English.
To see the SPAG Grammar and Punctuation paper children sat in 2016 click through
SPAG paper 2 Is a spelling test with 20 words. Children are given sentences with a word missing and they read these sentences with the missing word included, the missing word is then repeated for emphasis.
In 2016 words included – washable, offering, passion and ferociously
To see the SPAG spelling paper from 2016 for KS2 click through.
If you want to see all the KS2 year six sats papers in their current format then click through below
KS2 year 6 sats papers including SPAG papers and instructions